An Enote from Rodney

An eNote from Rodney

November 13, 2015

Dear Trinity Church Family,

The cold weather this morning reminds me of thanks that go out to you from the United Methodist Men.  They want to thank you for your supporting them during their warm morning breakfast.  You helped the men raise $2590.00.  The money will be used this winter to help folks who are struggling to pay heating bills.

Sunday morning we will look at the last of our Five Practices of a Fruitful Congregation.  Those practices have been: Grace Filled Hospitality, Sacred Worship,  Intentional Faith Development, Risk-Taking Mission and Service and this Sunday’s practice; Extravagant Generosity.  We will talk about the biblical invitation to give and how your giving supports the ministry of our congregation.  

Little Red Wagon Sunday:  This Sunday is the third Sunday of the month so it is Little Red Wagon Sunday.  The wagon will be collecting items for the exceptional children’s program at Hall Fletcher Elementary.  So if you’re in the store between now and Sunday morning or you have something in the cupboard, here are some items they need:    

        Goldfish, fruit cups, pretzels, popcorn,

        Cheese-its, granola, cereal bars, snack packs.

        Always – any healthy snack items are welcomed!

Next week you will receive in the mail a request from our Finance committee asking you to prayerfully consider making a financial pledge to Trinity for 2016.  Inclosed in this material will be a card that will help you determine the percentage of income you are giving now and what a percentage or two increase would look like. Thank you for your ongoing support of our congregation.  

Oh yes, it is time to start thinking about Advent and Christmas.  Next Sunday, November 22, will be Christ the King Sunday and then November 29 will be the first Sunday in Advent.  So we will prepare the sanctuary and hang the greens after worship on Sunday November 22.  Many hands make light work so we hope you will stay and help us transform our sanctuary from beautiful to breathtaking.  

Just a Thought:  Augustine of Hippo said, “Of his bounty, the Lord often grants not what we seek, so as to bestow something preferable.”  See you Sunday.

