An enote from Rodney

Thursday, December 29, 2016

An eNote from Rodney

Dear Trinity Congregation,

I wanted to thank everyone that made our Advent/Christmas season so lovely and meaningful this year. When I walk through the church and see glitter on the floor or in the carpet I am thankful for six year old angels that have moved through our hallways. Remember, glitter on the floor is a sign that we have been visited by angels, and shepherds too.

Cheryl and I have been in Asheville the last several days. Our Bama trip hit a minor blip but we hope that all will be back on track and we will head south on Friday or Saturday morning. I do need to be situated soon as there is some great college football coming our way.

Worship and Sunday School times on Sunday will be back to normal. The Rev. John McCullough will preach and James Pharr will conduct the service. After the service we will take down the Christmas decorations in the sanctuary. This does not take nearly as long as putting it up so please stay around and help folks put Christmas away for another year.

The office will be closed on Friday Dec. 30 and Monday January 2.

Happy New Year and Cheryl and I look forward to another fresh start with you.

