An Enote from Nancy


July 28, 2018

An eNote from Nancy

My family and I experienced 3 animal rescues in the past 6 days. Two baby birds (the one in the picture bonded with Sophie) were successfully reunited with their mom, thanks to Sophie and her friend, Ana Sofia. Sophie and I helped a bird return to its outdoor home after it tried making a home inside our home. And our family rescued a small dog from having its legs caught in a storm drain and then found its home thanks to a Facebook post. Mind you, we love animals (and it is Shark Week on the Nat Geo channel), but even I started to wonder if something was going on!

We are called most often to serve God and our neighbor in small ways. Offering a smile to the exasperated grocery store clerk, offering a helping hand to someone across the street, calling, texting, or emailing that person who has been on your mind just to let them know you’ve been thinking about them. Our youth have done that in all kinds of ways this past week on their mission trip, for sure. (Be sure to ask them about it on Sunday!)

Trinity has been doing this for generations – this is our calling. And we have some wonderful opportunities to show the love of God in the next few weeks:  Camp Connect for our elementary age kids, Wednesday & Friday Summer Lunch Program through Aug. 18, serving breakfast at Pritchard Park on Aug. 6, the Habitat Kick Off celebration on Aug. 11 with workdays to follow this Fall, and our hosting of Room in the Inn (lots of ways to support this – see sign up sheet in hallway). But the most important service? Pray for these ministries – for those they serve, for those who serve, and that the Holy Spirit offers God’s grace to all creatures, great and small, through the opportunity at hand.

See you Sunday! And peace be with you ~
