Rodney’s Weekly Enote

Friday March 6, 2015

An eNote from Rodney

Dear Trinity Family,

Daylight Savings Time Begins on Sunday Morning

I’ve been listening to two days of jackhammering and a little drilling on top of that while Nolan rehearses for his organ recital on March 15. It’s all music to my ears.  A jackhammer just sounds like a really fast drummer.  Well, for a little while it does.  The guy doing the drilling said we don’t ever have to worry about our building going anywhere.  The basement walls, even one of the interior walls, are 21 inches of solid concrete. The ground underneath the church is so hard the workers are using the jackhammer to break it up.  It is a solid rock upon which we stand.

The lift is long gone and work is underway on the elevator.  So that everyone has access to our worship space, we are going to worship in the fellowship hall while construction is going on.   Several of us have been working on the space and we think it is set up.  We do ask for your patience because on this first Sunday of worship downstairs we will figure out all the things we didn’t think of.  Andrew has a sound system set up downstairs and the hearing aids are in place.  

An important item that we will ask you to be aware of while we are in the fellowship hall is to be aware of our guests who will naturally head for the sanctuary.  Great hospitality would be to thank them for coming, walk them to the fellowship hall and help them find a seat.  Speaking of finding a seat, we are asking some of you to sit in the front rows and we are going to try to leave some seats open for any guests.  We would not want a guest to have to walk up and sit in the front row.  Thank you for your help in this area.

As I mentioned above, there will be an Organ Recital in the sanctuary on Sunday March 15th at 3:00pm.  Our organist, Nolan Anthony, will perform on organ and on one piece he will accompany a string ensemble.  This is going to be wonderful so bring your friends and enjoy.  We will have a reception after the recital and there will be a basket if you would like to make a donation to the organ upkeep.  On Sunday March 15, the church council will meet at its normal time and place, 12:15 in the fellowship hall.  At the end of the church council meeting the council will act as a Charge Conference and make some adjustments to our 2015 budget.  

As we continue our Lenten sermon series on the “I Am” sayings of Jesus this week we will look at Jesus as the light of the world.  The scripture verse I will be using this week is John 1:1-5 and 8:12.  

I hope this season of Lent is a blessing to you and you are finding some time to step away and be alone with God.  One of my morning meditation readings this week from Peter Scazzero’s book spoke to me so wonderfully that I was buzzing for awhile.  I bet my blood pressure even went down a bit.  Then the jackhammering started.  I love being the pastor of this congregation, thank you and I look forward to worshiping with you in the fellowship hall on Sunday morning.


