An Enote from Rodney

Friday July 15, 2016

An eNote from Rodney

Dear Trinity Congregation,

We are going to link to a website today. This past winter the New Belgium Brewery sent a film crew to historic sites in West Asheville to learn some of the history of the area. Trinity was one of the organizations they chose to highlight. That 10 minute film was premiered on Wednesday evening at New Belgium and Trinity is the last segment. The film can be seen at and is called “Biking Through West Asheville History.”

Red Wagon Sunday Children First/CIS at Emma is in need of canned tuna/chicken, jelly, cooking oil, dried pinto/black beans, pasta and rice. We will take up this collection this Sunday at the beginning of worship. It seems to be a big deal for our younger members to pull the wagon through the sanctuary as we sing the first hymn. Will you keep your items with you so that you can place them in the red wagon as it comes by? Thank you and thank you for your generosity.

There was another terror attack in France last night. Cheryl and I have walked down that street where the attack happened. It’s one of the grand streets in the world, French life on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The dome-­shaped building you see on the right is the famous Negresco Hotel. Their most expensive rooms are for Very Very Important People (VVIP) -­ the Beatles stayed there. I read this morning that it was used as a triage site last night. The French were celebrating Bastille Day, July 14, 1789, which they call “French National Day.” I know that you will be praying for the family of the victims.

Do I talk too much about Grace? Is there ever any anger or anguish in the heart of the Three-Personal-­God (a C.S. Lewis phrase) because of our actions? It is difficult to understand all of God’s personality but it is intellectually sloppy to just write God’s personality off to mystery, though mystery is sometimes all we have. Understanding God is worth some thought, if for no other reason than to have language that helps us understand God. If all goes according to plan I will address that question of judgment on Sunday morning.

We have a bunch of family coming in this weekend, granddaughters and most of my sister’s family from Alabama. Granddaughters are already here. I’m looking forward to it and to seeing you on Sunday morning.
