An Enote from Rodney

Friday October 14, 2016

An eNote from Rodney

Dear Trinity Congregation,

We are preparing to host Bishop Leeland on Sunday afternoon at three o’clock as he introduces himself to the western part of our conference. Trinity a Capella and the Strings and Nolan will play music for the service. Kay Cooke and Jennie Lynn Krichbaum and Charlotte Clodfelter have been preparing for the reception and Darryl has been cleaning. It will be a lovely service and attended by folks from every part of western North Carolina.

Parking: In order to make as much room as possible for our guests, will you park as far away from the church as you are able. If you can use the far part of the Balm Grove lot and the lot behind Shooks’ that would be great. If there is no rain, some of us can park on the playground. Perhaps you will consider coming with a friend. We are also going to ask you to use the front door to enter on Sunday afternoon.

There will be a collection taken at the Sunday afternoon service for flood relief for eastern North Carolina. Cheryl, who is from Lumberton, has heard from friends that I-95 is closed indefinitely for multiple miles. The town is without water and may be without for weeks. Mark Locklear’s father, who lives in Prospect, NC., had to buy a small generator to run his heart pump. They got their power back on Thursday. The school system is entirely shut down and the School Administrative buildings for Lumberton and surrounding areas are under water. If you are not planning to be at the Bishop’s service but would like to make a donation on Sunday morning to the relief effort please use a pew envelope and mark it “Flood Relief” Checks can be made to “WNCC Treasurer, NC Storms.” Thank you and keep all the victims of Matthew in your prayers.

Red Wagon Sunday: For the month of October, we will collect snacks for Hall Fletcher Elementary School. They are in the need for individually wrapped or packaged snacks: fruit cups, chips, pretzels, popcorn, crackers, Cheez-Its, Goldfish, fruit roll ups, etc. The kids love pulling that wagon so thank for bringing an item for them to pick up.

The lectionary Gospel lesson for Sunday morning is Luke 18:1-8. It is known as the parable of the widow and the unjust judge. In the parable Jesus encourages faithful prayer in the face of adversity and on Sunday we will think about what Jesus wants us to learn.

Thank you all for what you bring to the life of our congregation. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.

