Starting on July 1st, 2023, Trinity UMC has embarked on an adventure as the “Anchor Congregation” for Deep Time. This means that Trinity is in relationship with Deep Time on the basis of sharing physical space, being in fellowship with one another, and being in mission in the community.
The myth that incarceration tells us that “hard time” is rehabilitative. Deep Time believes that “deep time” is rehabilitative. Deep Time is the language contemporary mystics use to describe Kairos moments: moments where a radical encounter with the Incarnation makes hours seem like seconds and seconds seem like hours, creating beloved community.
By leaning into the intersection of Christian Community, Social Enterprise, and Community Development, Deep Time is inviting those who are most disinherited in our community to enter into kinship.

Our initial goal is to launch a coffee roasting social enterprise, hire a staff composed of individuals impacted by incarceration, and start a network of Fresh Expressions Communities within the first year of launching. Here is what has happened so far in the month of July.
– We have secured a commercial coffee roaster
– Built an initial staff of: Pastor Dustin, Dan and Anna Pizzo, Gene Ettison, and Veronica Edwards
– Begun a worship community in the County Jail
– Connected with 10 individuals impacted by incarceration who are interested in discipleship, fellowship, and/or employment.
Deep Time is for everyone. We hope that through your gifts, presence, service, and witness you might consider deeper community with us.