An enote from Rodney

Friday March 31, 2017

An eNote from Rodney

Dear Trinity Congregation, On Sunday morning we will be hosting the Asheville Youth Choir under the direction of Clark Sorrels, the minister of music at First Baptist. The choir is made up of 40 teens who practice weekly and sing in area churches. We are glad that Trinity is a congregation that is known for appreciating our local musicians, and bring a friend to enjoy this choir.

Usually on the first Sunday of the month we celebrate communion. I have decided not to celebrate communion this Sunday. The youth choir and perhaps some of their parents will be here and they will represent different denominations. Different Christian congregations understand communion differently both in terms of practice and theology. It seemed hospitable to me to not have people wondering what they should or should not do in terms of participation. I know that you will do a great job of making these musical guests feel welcomed.

I received a letter this week from Bishop Leeland thanking Trinity for contributing 100% of its apportioned funds to the Western North Carolina Conference. Some of this money goes to conference administrative fees and a lot of it goes to missions conducted by the conference. “I offer thanksgiving for you and your people,” said the Bishop. I will post the letter on the bulletin board in the hallway behind the sanctuary.

Would you would like to buy an Easter Lily in honor or in memory of someone for Easter Sunday morning? If so please send your name, how many lilies, and the name of the person you are buying in honor or in memory of. Their names will be put in the Easter Sunday, April 16th bulletin. Lilies are ten dollars. Call the church office for more information: 253-5471 ext. 101 and ask for Lee.

I’m looking forward to hearing our guests sing on Sunday and I’m looking forward to worshiping with you.

