“Let go.” “Soften.” “Surrender.”
These are the words my yoga teachers repeated time and again during Asana (exercise) and meditation practice.
My name is Mildred Dixon, and over 20 years ago, God led me to a yoga practice to teach me how to let go of the thoughts and attitudes that did not serve Him or me. For years I held onto anger, hurts, and grudges, and while I knew I shouldn’t harbor these feelings, I didn’t know how to let go of them.
I have practiced yoga for over 20 years. The benefits of yoga are many. Physically, the body becomes stronger and more flexible. Mentally, stress levels drop and attitudes improve. I can attest that a regular yoga and meditation practice lowers blood pressure and improves the quality of sleep.
Psalm 46:10 says “Be still, and know that I am God.” This is hard to do in today’s world, where we move at a quick pace and are surrounded by noise and clutter. Because of regular yoga practice and meditation, my mind is more easily quieted. I can find a stillness of being and be more attentive in prayer. And this has resulted in a deeper relationship with God and our Lord and Savior.
I give thanks to God for answering my cry for help 20 years ago and leading me to a practice I enjoy and will continue.
I am thankful for TUMC’s support so a yoga class may be offered to our members and community.
Here’s what’s happening at Yoga at Trinity:
We are blessed by the continued attendance and support of a core group of participants. The group varies in age and level of flexibility. We work together to improve our health, enjoy the fellowship, and have fun.
We recently added meditation to our class. On Thursday evenings, fifteen minutes prior to class (5:45 p.m.) we do mindful meditation. We place our point of focus on the breath to help us avoid the distracting thoughts and problems of the day. We sit quietly and meditate for about 10 minutes.
The yoga class is open to all ages and levels of flexibility. We do what we can within the limitations of our body, never forcing our way into a pose. Every pose can be modified and can be done sitting in a chair.
Won’t you join us and see how this ministry of exercise and fellowship will benefit you?