Rodney’s Weekly eNote

Friday January 16, 2015

An eNote from Rodney

Dear Trinity Congregation,

Let me start by thanking everyone who helped in the preparations for Bill Clodfelter’s funeral service on Tuesday afternoon.  You helped to put together a beautiful Methodist service for one who has served Trinity and the United Methodist Church faithfully through the years.

Several of you told me that you found something of interest in the sermon last Sunday about practicing a period of stillness in the mornings as preparation for the day.  That information came from several talks I have attended by Kirk Byron Jones.  You can find out more about him at  The book of his I bought when I was in Kansas City is called “Fulfilled, Living and Leading with Unusual Wisdom, Peace and Joy.”  

The Old Testament lesson for this week is from the third chapter of First Samuel where God calls Samuel in the stillness of  the night.  I want to continue to think about how to start the new year and my sermon for Sunday will look at this passage and a little more of Jones encouragement to seek a stillness where God can find us.

I want to let you know about an opportunity to learn about children in poverty.  Oakley UMC is going to host Susan Pennock on Saturday Jan. 31.  Susan is very knowledgeable about poverty among children in the public schools and she will be talking about the kind of ministries Trinity has been a part of with Bless the School.  There will be two sessions, one from 10 till 12 and the second will be from 12 to 2.  The first will be Susan sharing information and the second will be talking about practical ways to minister to the schools.  I know that Andrew will be going so let him or me if you have an interest in this event.

Little Red Wagon is this Sunday.  We are collecting canned vegetables, meat or fruits and dry goods and snacks.  Most of these items will go to the Asheville Middle School Pantry.    I love the way that little wagon snakes through our sanctuary and I thank you for your generosity.

I look forward to worshiping with you on Sunday.

