An Enote from Rodney

Friday, December 2, 2016

An eNote from Rodney

Dear Trinity Congregation,

I want to thank everyone who has been making music in our worship services. The choir, the soloists, the bell ringers, the musicians, Lee and the congregation have all been making some lovely noise. We talk about being a place to belong and being hospitable. Strong congregational singing and heartfelt music is enchanting and it says welcome, listen and join in. I also want to thank the donors who so quickly made our third octave of bells possible.

Though the Stewardship campaign is over, it is not too late to make a financial pledge to our congregation for the 2017 calendar year. You may mail your pledge or place it in the collection plate. If you need any information please speak with Rodney. Everyone’s 2016 financial statement is ready and may be picked up in Sunday School or church this Sunday. If you are not here on Sunday your statement will be mailed to you on Monday morning.

I am looking forward to Sunday. We will continue to talk about lessons from the Christmas story and there will be music and communion. Come prepared to receive all that God has for us and a grand time will be had by all.

Sunday December the 11th will be a big day for us. We will start with a church gathering during the Sunday School hour at 10:00 am. We will hear from Sharon Blythe, who is the director of a ministry to homeless women called Room In The Inn. Sharon will have one of her clients with her. Sharon wants to tell us about her program and see if there is a way that we can help.

We will end that day at 5:00 pm with a covered dish supper and celebration of our annual Christmas Pageant. The church will provide a main course so bring your favorite side or dessert. We will eat downstairs and the youth will bring us a Christmas story. Then we will come to the sanctuary for a taste of tradition and singing of carols. Nolan, the Trinity Strings, Lee and you will make music.

Other Dates: A Stan Kenton Christmas will be on Friday December 16th at 7:00 pm and our Christmas Eve service will be on December 24th at 5:30 pm. I’m looking forward to it all and to seeing you on Sunday morning.

