Rodney’s Weekly eNote

Friday February 13, 2015 

An eNote from Rodney

Dear Trinity Congregation, 

The church season of Lent will be upon us next Wednesday, the 18th of February. We have been talking about the spiritual discipline of silence and solitude for several weeks now. The 40 days of Lent may be a good period for you to practice a quiet and prayerful time each day. 40 days would start to give you a sense of how much you appreciate it. We will begin Lent this Wednesday with a service for the imposition of Ashes. The service will be at 5:30 at the church. 

As part of Lent we will have our Lenten coin folders available beginning this Sunday. This year we are going to take the money we collect and send half of it to United Methodist Global Ministries. This agency of the United Methodist Church appoints missionaries to serve all over the world helping people build better lives and doing so in the name of Jesus. Our friend Keith Turman was a missionary in Lithuania serving several reopening churches and helping to start a new church. The other half of the money will be used by our children and youth leader, Andrew Tripp, to help fund the mission team he and his wife Jessica will lead to the Dominican Republic this June. 

This Sunday we will end our look at Godly down time by talking abou the Sabbath and what it means to rest in God for a 24 hour period. The scripture lessons will be Exodus 20:8-11 and Deuteronomy 5:12-15. Both of these lessons are versions of the Ten Commandments. Read them and see what you think about the differences. 

Bless the Schools ~ For the month of February, we will collect for Hall Fletcher’s Exceptional Children classroom. Clorox wipes & baby wipes; liquid detergent; Clorox spray; snacks: goldfish, fruit cups, pretzels, popcorn, & cheese-its; plastic spoons; zip lock bags (all sizes); juice; socks; and underwear. 

Remember, you can bring the items on any Sunday or drop them off during the regular church office hours in the week. However on the third Sunday (Red Wagon Sunday), please keep them with you at your pew and place them in the wagon when the children come around during the opening hymn. 

Stay warm and I hope to see you on Sunday morning. 

