Friday, November 3, 2017
A blessed Friday to you!
Our church family has another big Sunday coming!
- Remember to change your clocks back one hour on Saturday night (and give thanks, O ye like me who enjoy that extra hour of sleep)!
- Come to the Warm Morning Breakfast sponsored by our United Methodist Men! Proceeds go to the fuel fund to assist those in need this winter.
- Stay for Charge Conference, beginning at 10AM, and will include a fun trivia game (yes, you may use the word “fun” and “Charge Conference” in the same sentence!).
- Celebrate All Saints Sunday during worship! We also welcome the Fletcher Academy Strings, under the direction of our own Debra Anthony, who will share in the gift of music throughout worship.
- Sign up for the picture directory after worship – see Lee Thomas at a table in the main hallway.
- Sign up to attend one of the few remaining small group listening sessions at various people’s homes with the pastors – tonight at 5:30 (a few spots remain), Tuesday at 11AM or Wednesday at 12:30 PM. We’ve really enjoyed hearing from folks and would love to share this time with as many folks as possible.
The stained glass “windowometer” for pledges is getting filled in! Thank you and remember to turn in your pledge if you haven’t already. We’ll also have a special quilt made for the Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Spurgeon Hyatt Sr. at the end of his tenure, 1925-29, on display in the sanctuary this Sunday.
Texts for worship this Sunday include a reference to Revelation 7:9-12, Psalm 34, 1 John 3:1-3, and Matthew 5:1-12. It will be a blessing to remember the saints with you, joining our voices with them as we praise God! See you for breakfast!
Peace ~