An Enote from Nancy

Friday, October 13, 2017

Happy extended summer, oh, wait, it’s October, and it’s Friday the 13th!

Who would have thought we’d still be cutting the grass at our house? This is ok by Jeremy since he gets extra chore money for that. But I’m ready for some cooler weather, folks!

And if tomorrow is Saturday the 14th, that means Sunday is the 15th and that means it’s Laity Sunday! What is Laity Sunday? Check out this fun video about its history: Laity Sunday

Looking forward to sharing the stories of three of our own laity this Sunday during worship for our first installment of “Faces of Faith.” Trinity Strings and our choir will offer music, and the Appalachian State Wesley Foundation Campus Ministry will share during the Children’s Message.

Keep in mind it’s Red Wagon Sunday, and we are collecting paper supplies for Trinity Place youth. The wagon will make its way around the sanctuary during the opening hymn and you’re invited to place your donations in the wagon then.

Thanks be to God for the gift of each one of you!

Peace ~
