Rodney’s Weekly eNote

Thursday July 2, 2015

An eNote from Rodney: Holiday Edition

Dear Trinity Family,

I love Memorial Day, Independence Day and Labor Day. Those days seem to move a little bit slower and they usually involve hamburgers. It’s always special when Cheryl’s children come and sometime Friday afternoon we will receive three children, two spouses and three granddaughters. It is a lovely little bit of chaos.

Shades of 1942: Don’t forget that tomorrow evening, Friday July 3rd at 7:00 p.m., in the sanctuary, the Asheville Jazz Orchestra will perform a concert of All American Jazz to celebrate Independence Day. The concert is free and we will take up collection for the band and to support the ministry for veterans that ABCCM (Asheville Buncombe Community Christian Ministries) conducts.

Please keep in your prayers our members and the folks from the other churches that are on the Mission Trip being led by Andrew and Jessica Tripp. Here are the names of the folks on the trip. We are thankful for their service and we wish them a blessed experience.

            Sayres Alspaugh, Hannah Arthur, Charles Burns,

            Amy Dexter, Phillip Dexter, Kathleen Douglas,

            Kacin Douglas, Riggs Douglas, Riha Douglas,

            Christopher Holt, Emma Grace Hutchins,

            Phoenix Keyser, Christopher Knollman,

            Oscar Marquez, Autumn Pridgen, Miles Roberts,

            Andrew Tripp, Jessica Tripp, Liam Tripp,

            Melissa Wiggins, Ashley White

The office will be closed tomorrow, Friday July 3rd. If you are travelling this weekend and seeing friends and family who are away, have a good 4th. I hope to see many of you at the Jazz concert tomorrow night and I look forward to worshiping with you on Sunday morning.

