Rodney’s Weekly Enote

An eNote from Rodney

Friday October 2, 2015

Dear Trinity Church Family,

Lots of energy in the building this week as we prepare to go back upstairs for worship and have our Open House.  Don Hall has brought the sound system upstairs and Andrew is helping set things up and Lee has been preparing music and there are painters here and some carpet has been put down on the third floor. The Membership Development Committee has also been working hard to get the word about Sunday out to the community. Most likely it will be raining on Sunday but that will not deter us from having a lovely day together back upstairs. By the way, if you have an umbrella would you bring with you on Sunday?  We may need a few to help people stay dry.

This Sunday is our Open House.  We will cut a ribbon to celebrate the new elevator and then worship together.  After the service we will have hot dogs for lunch and show folks around the building. There will be popcorn and a movie for the kids in the fellowship hall.  Let us offer a warm welcome to our guests this Sunday.

Our sermon series on the Apostle Paul will come to a close this Sunday.  We will look at Paul’s last visit to Jerusalem and then his arrest and final days in Rome.  We will look at a man who has come from being an enemy of the young Christian church, breathing threats of murder against it, to a man who finds peace with being its’ greatest apostle.  

It will be a exciting day for us on Sunday and I look forward to seeing you then.

