Rodney’s Weekly eNote

Friday January 2, 2015

An eNote from Rodney

Dear Trinity Congregation,

Happy New Year!  The last time I saw many of you was on Christmas Eve.  The service was over and several of you, in beautiful Christmas spirit, sent Cheryl and me on down the road while you stayed and closed up shop.  Thank you.  I have heard from many of you that you thought the service was lovely.  The music certainly was.  There were a number of new faces present and the refreshments at the end was the perfect closing touch.

Cheryl and I spent Thursday with kids in Greensboro and on Friday headed to Alabama to see my family.  Everyone in Alabama is doing well and they send their regards. The big Christmas gift came from my nephew Hugh and his wife Lisa who announced that Lisa was pregnant.  Hazel will become a great-grandma.  It rained the entire time we were in Bama but that now seems appropriate.  There was rain in the hearts of many Alabama folks last night when the Tide lost to Ohio, but Ohio was powerful and it looks to be a great NCAA championship game on the 12th between Ohio and Oregon.  

Thanks to everyone who gave the Rev. Avery White such a warm welcome last Sunday. She told me she immediately felt at home.  On the first Sunday of 2015 I am going to talk about resolutions and why not to make them.  For about six months I have been following a business blogger  who is a Christian.  His name is Michael Hyatt.  Hyatt doesn’t like to talk about resolutions but about goals, and I want to show you some of his thinking as we talk about faith goals.

On the following Sunday, January 11th, I want to introduce you to the ideas of Kirk Byron Jones.  Jones talks about the goal of being at peace in God, how that is a biblical goal and how we can work toward it.

January 6th will be the 12th Day of Christmas when all decorations come down and we figure out what to do with those twelve drummers drumming.  This Sunday, after worship please stay around for an hour or so and help take down and put away our decorations. There are also a few poinsettias left to be picked up.

With a good Christmas/Advent season behind us we look forward to a new year together.  It starts on Sunday and I look forward to worshiping with you.

