An Enote from Nancy

The Season of

Ordinary Time

July 21, 2017

An eNote from Nancy

Hello, Church Family and a blessed Friday to you all!

We’re back in the dirt this Sunday, the proverbial soil of Jesus’ parables in Matthew’s Gospel, the stories of “Ordinary Time” (ordinary coming from the Latin ordinalis, meaning “showing order”). It refers to the numbering of the Sundays, the ordering of time.

In this summer season of Ordinary Time, we are ordering the Sundays since the Pentecost celebration. The other season of Ordinary Time is right after Epiphany, leading up to Lent. That’s also about the time I start dreaming about what plants I want to include in my springtime planting, just waiting for that first crocus to pop through the hard, cold soil. Although there is nothing “ordinary” about ordinary time, I often think of it as a “growing season” since the liturgical color is green and we’re in between feasts and fasts, continuing to grow in our relationship with God. Maybe, though, that’s because I like to play in the dirt.

Many of us also order our days around an academic calendar, and we’re at that point in the summer where we realize just how little time is left before we are back in the school routines. But our youth will remind us, “Not yet!” The Youth Group heads off to be Christ’s hands and feet at Macon Outreach, Daybreak in Macon, and Camp Viola in the Macon / LaGrange, GA area. A second session of Camp Connect is also right around the corner in August, and there’s still plenty of time to help out with the Summer Lunch Program. I had the blessing of meeting many of the children this past Wednesday at the picnic tables under the shade trees. They love the books you have donated – thank you!

Please keep Andrew and the youth in your daily prayers this week and join us Sunday as we commission them to serve as our representatives for Jesus. Whether you are traveling or in town, know you are loved by your church family and vital for our ongoing growth in our life together. We’ll see you Sunday!

Peace be with you ~


PS – If you have anything for the August newsletter, remember today is the deadline.