An Enote from Rodney

Friday April 29, 2016

An eNote from Rodney

Dear Trinity Congregation.

Shame on Me. Last Sunday morning I was not feeling well. I thought I would make it a little easier on myself and not do a children’s sermon. Big mistake. Boy did I get some cross looks as the children realized they were not stopping at the front of the sanctuary but heading straight for their rooms. It was clear they were going to miss telling me what was on their mind. Shame on me.

Debra and Nolan Anthony want to start a bell choir. They will be starting with beginning basics so you can be a beginner or have experience and you don’t have to read music. The first get together is Wednesday May 18, and the time is 5:30 – 6:15 pm. This will be multigenerational, starting with any rising 6th grader up. If you want to give it a try email Debra at or call the church office. Imagine the sound of bells in our sanctuary for worship.

Many of you know different members of our congregation are trying their hand at blogging by writing something for our website. Our web team has recently posted something written by Alberta Starnes. Let me encourage you to take a look at it on our website, And, if you have something to say about life at Trinity we can help you take what is in your heart and put it online.

Don’t forget Mother’s Day pictures. We have a magnetic white board up in the Sanctuary level hallway. Bring a picture of your mom for us all to see.

What if hell were this grey and one dimensional place where it was never sunny or night time, just a shadowless twilight forever. But in the middle of this place of void, there was a bus stop where a bus left each day for…Heaven. What would you have to change to make the journey all the way from hell to Heaven? That’s the scenario for C.S. Lewis’ (Jack to his friends) little book, “The Great Divorce.” It’s an easy read and the Wednesday morning Book Club is going to start talking about it this Wednesday, May 4th at 11:00 am. at the church. I have several copies in my office so come and join us and maybe take the ride of your life. Let me know if you need a book.

The Haywood Street Congregation is going to hold a Plant Sale and Garden Tour, on Sunday, May 1, from 12:00 – 4:00 pm. It will benefit Haywood Street’s Downtown Welcome Table. Check it out at their website

Keep Sunday May 22 on your calendar. Trinity has Camp Tekoa for the afternoon.

The Gospel lesson for the 6th Sunday of Easter is Jesus promising the presence of the Holy Spirit to the disciples. John 14: 23 – 29 is a rich passage that you might want to look at. I’ll see you then.

