An enote from Rodney

Friday March 3, 2017
An eNote from Rodney
Dear Trinity Congregation,
As you drive toward church on Sunday morning you will notice that we have two new church signs up, one in the front yard and one as you enter the parking lot. The new sign out front will allow us to put announcements on it and will eventually be lit at night. There are still some finishing touches to do on the signs, but so far they look good. We are thankful for the generosity that made these signs possible. And, there’s a little more to come.
Several members have asked me how Trinity supports national and world Methodism. One of the most important Methodist international ministries is UMCOR, United Methodist Committee on Relief. UMCOR is involved all over the world working with communities to help provide them safe drinking water and sound agricultural practices, and also focuses on global health concerns and especially disaster response. You can see what UMCOR does at Charity Navigator, the organization that rates the effectiveness of most nonprofits gives UMCOR its highest four star rating.
Getting a little more local – If you haven’t grabbed a Lenten Coin folder, please do so and use it as a way to mark off the days of Lent as we watch Jesus move toward Jerusalem. The funds we collect from the folders will be divided between the local ministries of Meals on Wheels, ABCCM, Western Carolina Rescue Ministries and The Haywood Street Congregation. Thank you for your support in this yearly observance.
This Sunday is the first Sunday in the church season of Lent. Almost from the beginning the church has set aside a time for preparation for Easter. In the very earliest church Lent was when new Christians learned the beliefs and practices of the church. So this is a special time we enter into. The New Testament lesson for Sunday will be a traditional first Sunday in Lent lesson, Matthew 4:1-11, which is the temptation of Jesus. We will look at the internal quality of Jesus which allows him to resist Beelzebub. Here’s a way to get ready for Lent. Go on You Tube and listen to Emmylou Harris sing the song “Jerusalem Tomorrow.” Pay close attention to the lyrics.
I hope that from time to time you think about our New Year’s invitation that when you are in town on Sunday, you will be in Church. I look forward to seeing you.