An Enote from Rodney

Friday October 21, 2016

An eNote from Rodney

Dear Trinity Congregation,

I start by thanking everyone who made Bishop Leeland’s visit to Western North Carolina and Trinity so successful last Sunday. Thanks to all the musicians and the folks who prepared the reception and those who helped with worship and all of you who came and represented our congregation. It was a grand afternoon and you made Trinity look as good as we know it is.
Here are some dates I hope you will put on your calendar:

  • Saturday October 29: Nolan Anthony will present a Halloween Organ Concert with awe-inspiring music. You are even invited to come in costume. There will be a reception after the concert. 
  • Sunday November 6: The Methodist Men’s Warm Morning Breakfast. Admission is by donation with proceeds going to families in need of heating assistance. 8-9:30 am. 
  • Sunday November 6: Asheville Area Methodist Churches meet at Groce UMC for a celebration of church life and ministry. Our new DS, Beth Crissman, is looking forward to telling you how she sees the district moving forward and she very much wants you to come. Our District Superintendent has a real heart for churches and she wants the best for Trinity. I want to encourage you to come and meet her and hear her.

A new date for your calendar is Sunday, November 13. On that day Trinity will have a covered dish lunch and a “State of the Church” gathering. After lunch Trinity will hold its own Charge Conference. This is where we elect officers for the coming year. We will also hear a report from the Finance Committee on the state of our church finances. This is something the church council could have done by itself but the council thought it would be fun to turn this into a church celebration of who we are.
I thought some of you might like to know about this. Biltmore United Methodist will be hosting a Buncombe County Commissioners Candidates Forum from 2-4:15 pm this Sunday afternoon in “the new building” (Events Center). All nine candidates for all the open seats all across the county will be with us. So whether you live downtown, or in Black Mountain, or in Leicester, or Fairview, or Montreat, or Weaverville… your candidates will be with us. The format is a one-on-one 15 minute conversation with each candidate individually, hearing all nine in succession.
The Gospel lectionary lesson for Sunday is Luke 18:9-14. It is the story of the proud Pharisee and the humble tax collector praying in the temple. Is Jesus giving us a clue in this parable about the way of living Christian. I will preach from this passage on Sunday.
I look forward to seeing you then.